


9:30am | 11:15am


1 Mile East on HWY 3
Lethbridge, AB


Ralph & Cindy Molyneux

Lethbridge Campus Pastors

Ralph and Cindy have three grown boys, and two grandkids that they are madly in love with.

They’ve been a part of the organization since its inception and it shows in their huge heart for people. Their goal; help you live in your full God-given potential.


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Donate your time by supporting Parallel Church’s many community programs and initiatives. We are always looking for volunteers to support in our mission and we invite you to join!


Feature programs

We know that, as parents and as couples, we have the greatest influence on the spiritual growth of ourselves, our partners and our children. At Parallel Church, we provide programming that supports our community members in becoming the best they can be.

Our mission is to change the definition of what a church is, and what a church should be. Our passion drives our personal, spiritual and church leadership as we rewrite our stories together.

Most people want kids to sit down and be quiet. We want kids to stand up and be counted. Online and in person Parallel Kids programs involve worship, stories, activities, games and more!


Get to know one another and bond in an informal and relaxed setting. Along with in-person service, our community comes together through a variety of common interest groups for all ages, from coffee meetups to house parties.

Parallel events
Upcoming events
Connect in person
House Parties
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Facebook Groups

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