about parallel leaders

Our mission is to change the definition of what a church is and what a church should be. We passionately equip our core for personal, spiritual and church leadership as we rewrite our stories together. We strive for authenticity, not perfection.

what to expect

Parallel Leaders works alongside individuals and church leaders, equipping and mentoring them to love and impact their communities. From podcasts and monthly leadership classes to masterclasses and personal mentoring, we help you take your leadership to the next level.

Parallel Leaders

Now, more than ever our world needs resilient leaders who are humble, agile, and committed to being healthy as an essential aspect of effective leadership.


Get started

Get started today by checking out our Parallel Leaders Website.


Other parallel programs

We know that, as parents and as couples, we have the greatest influence on the spiritual growth of ourselves, our partners and our children. At Parallel Church, we provide programming that supports our community members in becoming the best they can be.

Most people want kids to sit down and be quiet. We want kids to stand up and be counted. Online and in person Parallel Kids programs involve worship, stories, activities, games and more!

Building communities that have a place for everyone. Parallel Youth programs are a place for our youth to make friends and find mentorship through online house parties, music, events and our local Discord servers.


Get to know one another and bond in an informal and relaxed setting. Along with in-person service, our community comes together through a variety of common interest groups for all ages, from coffee meetups to house parties.

Parallel events
Upcoming events
Connect in person
House Parties
Connect Online
Facebook Groups

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