Parallel Youth aren’t the church of the future, they are the church right now. We will stop at nothing to guide our youth by embracing them with unconditional love, exposing them to greatness every step of the way and equipping them to lead with love and impact.


House parties

At Parallel Youth, find life and vitality together. It’s less intimidating for youth to invite a friend to their house than to their church. So, once a week we turn up the music and open up houses across our communities as a welcoming space for youth to get together. Don’t worry – we warn the neighbours! Contact your local campus to see what house parties are happening near you this week.


It’s not easy being in middle school. This is why we believe in creating ridiculously fun and safe environments for our youth to let go, be themselves and find hope in the process. Contact your local campus to see what events are happening near you.

get started

Text us to discover how you can become part of our exciting, active youth community.

Other parallel programs

We know that, as parents and as couples, we have the greatest influence on the spiritual growth of ourselves, our partners and our children. At Parallel Church, we provide programming that supports our community members in becoming the best they can be.

Our mission is to change the definition of what a church is, and what a church should be. Our passion drives our personal, spiritual and church leadership as we rewrite our stories together.

Most people want kids to sit down and be quiet. We want kids to stand up and be counted. Online and in person Parallel Kids programs involve worship, stories, activities, games and more!


Get to know one another and bond in an informal and relaxed setting. Along with in-person service, our community comes together through a variety of common interest groups for all ages, from coffee meetups to house parties.

Parallel events
Upcoming events
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House Parties
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